Well, these quite possibly are my favorite family images of all time.


I think the fact that I've known these two beautiful parents for quite some time has something to do with it. . .

Or maybe, it's that I got to photograph their very first baby . . .

Or it could be that little Grace here is just so adorably cute and sweet.


But, if I'm being honest, it's the adoration that I love the most. I love that LOVE and just oozes from every single fiber of Elizabeth and Nick. Grace is such a beautiful blessing, and I'm so happy that I was able to capture just a fraction of that love with my little camera.


Elizabeth and Nick, she's beautiful, perfect, wonderful, and oh-so-cuddly. You, my friends, are amazing parents. Thanks so much for sharing your time (and your little Grace) with me. I hope you enjoy your images!

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